Story of a Pioneer car

The mark De Dion Bouton says anything? Yet it has marked the history of the automobile. If the French manufacturer of the past today, their cars remain a point of reference for all lovers of motor.

Car Manufacturer
De Dion Bouton The company was founded in 1882 by Count originating from the region of Nanterre, Albert de Dion, a lucky man, and passionate about cars. With two of his acolytes, Georges Bouton, miniature locomotive manufacturer, and Armand Trepardoux, engineer of steam, produced his first steam car in 1883, marked "Trepardoux and Cie, ingenieurs-constructeurs".

With the emergence of new propulsion technologies, De Dion Bouton and are increasingly attracted by the engine oil, still in its infancy, leaving Trepardoux and its vapor on the bench. In 1889, the company acquired the name "de Dion Bouton".

In 1895, the revolution is underway: create a tricycle ... oil. It will have to wait to 1899 to see the first car oil out of their workshops. True emblem of the Belle Epoque, the de Dion Bouton know a great success. Among the lighthouse models: the drum "vis-à-vis" type D (after two four-cylinder), or G (1900), or Populaire (1903).

A motor inventor
In 1900, Dion Bouton is the world's leading automobile. And the reason is that the engine oil drum invented is present in automobiles dozens of manufacturers, including Renault. In 1910, Dion Bouton is the first to mass produce a V8 engine.

A great dreamer
De Dion is a dreamer who believes in the car. Will participate even in car racing, before creating their own. In 1894, De Dion participates in a race car, the Paris-Rouen, and just the first before being disqualified. A year later, I had the idea with a friend to create what would later become the current Automobile-Club de France. The association will organize the first Motor Show 1898, in the Tuileries Gardens and many races from 1895.

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